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Next Speciality event is our Open Show on Sat 12th Oct 2019

Everyone welcome, relaxed atmosphere indoors in a purpose built non slip arena. Special beginners classes, special puppy/special open (apricot, silver, brown or blue) for dogs and bitches. Fun agility course for anyone to try,

details of this event here KENNEL CLUB BUILDING
Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire CV8 2LZ

Judge : Mrs A. Shoosmith (Alisiane)

Schedule available to download here

2019 Champ Show results

Veteran Dog - 1st Wade's Afterglow Pop Idol For Kamarri JW BVD & BVIS

Minor Puppy Dog - 1st Allegretti & Alford's Montravia Dark Affair BMPD

2nd Filler's Belleazure Astraeus

Puppy Dog - 1st Parker & Winwood's Montego Biffy Clyro BPD & BPIS

Special Puppy Dog - 1st Filler's Belleazure Astraeus

Junior Dog - A

Yearling Dog - 1st James's Afterglow Wolfbane At Blackmine CW19 JCW19 RDOGCC

Undergraduate Dog - A

Post Graduate Dog - 1st Willis's Twoofus Crackerjack, 2nd Phillips Sarnia's Midnight Magic, 3rd Smith's Parcheeni Secret Lover

Limit Dog - 1st Ratclifee & Booth's Namkia Thou Art Beloved, 2nd Doyle's Sympika Shadow Catcher, 3rd Bull Harris's Pendream Rising Star JW, Res Clarke's Somanic Dancin On A Cloud, VHC Butcher's Hendor Break Dancing

Special Open Dog AOC than black or white - 1st Whyte & Luty's Sympkia Shadow Catcher, 2nd Haylesdown Halvor

Open Dog - 1st Pine Haynes's Safari's Typecast For Vicmar DOG CC & RBIS, 2nd James's BEL/GER/IRISH/INT CH Afterglow Just William at Blackmine

3rd Gleave's Kertellas Talking In Codes at Montravia JW

Special Beginners Dog - 1st Filler's Belleazure Astraeus

Veteran Bitch - 1st Aikman's Ch Afterglow Sweet Tease at Namkia BVB

Minor Puppy Bitch - 1st Mullan's Kekemara Jane Eyre BMPB & BMPIS, 2nd Franklin's Highla Starlight, 3rd Cliffen & Hart's Violaceae Wittrociana, Res Perkins's Belleazure Tiger Lili, VHC Perkins's Beleazure Blue Moon

Puppy Bitch - 1st O'higgins's Catwalk Stage Doll at Sarnia (imp Nor) BPB & RBPS, 2nd Parker &Winwood's Montego Hear Say, 3rd Cornwell-Nichols's Tazmitch I'm on Fire, Res Perkins's Belleazure Blue Moon

Special Puppy Bitch - 1st Cliffen & Hart's Violaceae Wittrockiana, 2nd Perkins's Belleazure Tiger Lili

Junior Bitch - 1st Danson's Atastar in Love Again, 2nd Cresswell's Lulu Jacktory Iberoangli by Kassieoper (imp)

Yearling Bitch - 1st Piket's Vienna (imp NLD), 2nd Ciffen& Hart's Violaceae Candy Tuft

Undergraduate Bitch - 1st Dawson's Twoofus Love is in the Air

Post Graduate Bitch - 1st Hardy's Highla Eva so Lovely, 2nd Land's Fabulous Black Dream's Olympia Den Sota, 3rd Bull Harris's Pendream Go Getter

Limit Bitch - 1st Andersson & Dilton's Downpix Angel Eyes (ATC AV01532SWE), 2nd Aikmen's Namkia Perchance to Dream, 3rd Todd's Del Zarzoso Gracias Por Venir, Res Deakin's Talorue Amy Winehouse

Special Open Bitch AOC than black or white - 1st Hill's Valerite Over The Moon, 2nd Piket's Vienna (imp Nid), 3rd Cliffen& Hart's Violaceae Candytuft

Open Bitch - 1st Bayliss & Hoblin's CH Kertellas On Fifth Ave JW BCC & BIS

2nd Barker's Crystalar Blue Opal RBCC, 3rd Marflitt's Tionola Secret Attraction to Dageo ShCM, Res Deakin's Tarlorue Amy Winehouse

Special Beginners Bitch - 1st Dawson's Kamarri Born to be Wild, 2nd Danson's Atastar in love Again, 3rd Piket's Vienna (imp Nid), Res Perkins's Belleazure Tiger Lili, VHC Perkins's Belleazure Blue Moon.

Thanks to our Judge Liz Holmes-Leak (Navarre)

who's critique will be on here shortly.

@2017 Standard Poodle Club.

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