Wraps and bands
Wraps and bands
For show dogs the passion is to have ever-long top-knot hair and ear fringes. Sometimes to exaggeration point! As the hair grows, the ear fringes will need protecting from elements, the food bowl, and general play with other dogs. The hair on the top of the hair needs to be kept under control to prevent it aggravating the eyes and making them weep. As soon as your puppy has enough hair, tie it up with a small rubber band. Flower bands or purpose bought bands can be used. As the hair reaches a good length more bands are required to keep it under control. These bands, and, or wrappers must be removed and replaced daily, brushing the hair before the new bands or wrappers are used. Do take care that the ear leather is not caught in this process as you could end up with a nasty, painful situation of severing part of the ear leather.
Wraps can be purchased from many outlets, on line, or at stalls at dog shows. Until the dog gets accustomed to having these strange things on the end of its ears, take them off when you are not present. Some dogs grasp wrappers in their mouths and chew them off with disastrous results. Not only will a large amount of fringe get broken, but the dog could eat the wrapper, causing a troublesome stomach or blockage.
To wrap the hair start with putting a band in the fringe, or hair to be protected. With the wrapper flat roll in around the hair, then turn it up until you reach the end, and then secure with a rubber band. Many exhibitors find that banding alone is sufficient.