Membership and Code Of Ethics
Joining the Standard Poodle Club:
2025 £10 per household - Single, Joint or family
Members will be sent our annual Newsletter, invitation to our AGM and free puppy for sale website advertisements
As per club rules all membership applications are subject to Committee Approval.
All applicants must also have read and understood the clubs code of ethics below
Membership Application Form is available from the Secretary or download from this site.
Download The Standard Poodle Club membership form, HERE
Contact our Secretary Mrs Mary Nugent spcsecretary5@gmail.com
Updated and approved by the Kennel Club 11th Nov 2021
Club members
1) Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
2) Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
3) Will agree that no healthy puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes.
4) Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act.
5) Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally.
6) Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed.
7) Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.
8) Will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.
9) Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited.
10) Will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change.
11) Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.
12) Will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.
13) Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog).
14) Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog.
Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from club membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and aware of /or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.
It is recommended that members make the Standard Poodle Club Breed Health Administrator (BHA) aware of any of their dogs or progeny diagnosed with inherited disease. These will then be placed on the Open Register to track Sebaceous Adenitis (SA) and Addison’s Disease (AD).
15) Breeding: Members of the SPC agree:
a) To ensure that both sire and dam are of a suitable temperament and type and are in sound health and construction; and seek to establish a mode of inheritance of disease (testing wherever possible under the existing schemes) to preserve, safeguard and improve the characteristics of the breed.
SPC recommend to hip score and eye test under the BVA/KC schemes and have a full panel of DNA tests including prcd-PRA,PRA 4 (rcd4) and vWD.
The SPC recommends to test for Sebaceous Adenitis (SA) with a normal result for Sire and Dam before breeding a litter.
The SPC recommend keeping the COI number in single figures.
b) To ensure both parents are registered with the Kennel Club.
c) To breed only with consideration for the breed’s welfare and not for commercial remuneration.
d) To keep puppies in the precinct of their home environment, or securely protected until the age of eight weeks, or fully inoculated.
e) To ensure all purchasers of puppies are fully aware of the characteristics of the Standard Poodle; paying special attention to grooming, clipping costs, exercise and feeding. And to never leave it on its own all day.
f) To provide each purchaser with a diet sheet, worming certificate, pedigree and official welfare leaflet available from the Club. (Making use of the Kennel Club endorsement scheme where appropriate)
g) To be responsible for all dogs/puppies bred by them, taking them back if necessary and contacting breed rescue when help in re-homing is required.
h) Never to mate or breed from a bitch under the age of two years, or over eight years.
Bitches to be limited to four litters in their breeding lifespan, with a rest of at least one season between mating.
i) Not to breed a litter unless care and attention can be assured for the bitch’s welfare at all times, with proper facilities for health and security for both bitch and puppies. (A person with a full time occupation is not in a suitable position to breed).
j) Not to knowingly sell a Standard Poodle to a commercial dealer; nor to any country that does not have legislation for the protection of animals from cruelty similar to such laws as the UK, and do not have a reciprocal agreement with the English Kennel Club.
k) To avoid inbreeding and refer to the Kennel Club’s inbreeding coefficient calculator (COI). The SPC recommend keeping the COI number in single figures.
Members adhering to the Code of Ethics of the SPC may advise the Club Secretary, of impending, or existing litters. The Secretary may then inform potential purchasers of such litters.
It is the responsibility of the breeder to ensure the suitability of a home. The service is not for those who churn out litters and wish an easy contact for sales.
16) STUD DOG OWNERS;- With respect to the use of, Stud Dog owning members of the SPC agree:
a) To be stringent in the assessment of the suitability of their dog to produce puppies of good temperament, which will be a credit to the breed in type, health and soundness.
b) To test the stud dogs, wherever possible, for hereditary disease under existing schemes.
c) To ensure that the bitch is sound, healthy and is tested wherever possible under existing schemes for hereditary disease, and is of the appropriate pedigree or quality to produce a desirable litter.
d) To ensure the owner of the bitch is aware of the responsibility of producing a litter as stated under BREEDING in this Code of Ethics.
e) To establish the breeders reliability in choosing homes for the puppies. Special thought must be taken before agreeing to service a bitch from a pet home.
f) To retain some responsibility for resulting puppies that may need to be re-housed in their adult life.
17) ENVIRONMENT/OWNERSHIP: Members of the SPC Agree:
1) To maintain a high standard of care for their standard poodle and to provide Veterinary treatment as and when required. Inoculating and worming as advised by Breeder/Vet.
2) To try and ensure tagged collars are worn when their dogs are away from home and ensure dogs are microchipped in line with current legal requirement.
3) To acknowledge responsibility to clean up after their dogs in public places.
4) To contact the Club, preferably an Area Representative, should they need help to re-home a dog.
5) To refrain from serious obedience/agility or other training until a Standard Poodle puppy is of a suitable age where it has both the strength of body and mental capacity to endure such demands.
18. Members shall not knowingly be involved in the crossbreeding of the Standard Poodle with any other breed or non-breed dog.