Open Shows 2019
The Club’s 2019 Open Show was held on Saturday 12th October at the Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2LZ.
Many thanks to our Judge Allison Taite-Shoosmith
Thank you to the officers and committee of The Standard poodle club for asking me to judge. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I would also like to thank my 2 stewards and to all the exhibitor’s for your entry .
VD (1)
1ST Hardy LABAMBA DIRTY SEXY MONEYblack nearly 9yrs old . Pleasing head and expression, good chin , dark eye. long ear leathers. Good depth of chest, well sprung rib. Good body condition. Well angulated with good muscle tone Fabulous coat which was beautifully presented. A real credit to his owners .
MP (2)
1ST Gleave RYNECO SOLO SECRET promising White still very much a baby. pleasing head and dark almond eye. good front. Good length of neck. Shortin back, nice feet well angulated. When settled he moved sound and covered the ground .
2ND Gilbert CARLONIA SPRING SUNSHINEUpstanding apricot taller type than my winner.Pleasing head and expression, well bodied and a good colour. Good muscle tone. Little reluctant to move today, but sympathetically handled by his owner.
PD (4.2)
1st Allegretti & Alford MONTRAVIA DARK AFFAIR .well balanced young Black Loved his head and expression. Dark almond eye. Good front and shoulders, dark almond eye well angulated, nicely put together. Moved soundly keeping his top line on the move. Beautifully presented. Lots to like with this young boy. BPD
2nd Davis TWOOFUS MAKING WAVES Different type to my winner. Black with a nice head and expression .Nice dark eye Good length of neck. Good shoulder, good body and muscle tone, correct angles. Nice feet Moved soundly once he settled.
Junior dog (2.1)
1ST Parker & Winwood MONTEGO BIFFY CLYRO. Loved this White dog lovely chiselled head, dark eye with good chin. Good bite. Fabulous pigment. Long neck, good front. Well ribbed with good body condition. Nice knuckled feet. He was well angulatedwith good muscle tone. Fabulous tail set. He movesso well keeping his top line at all times for such a young dog. Presented in good harsh coat. I am sure he will have a bright future. Was pleased to award him BD & BEST IN SHOW
Novice (1.1)
PGD (2)
1ST Phillips SARNIA MIDNIGHT MAGIC Black with a lovely head and expression, dark eye .Long leathers .Good reach of neck , well laid back shoulder . Well bodied with good spring of rib. Tightfeet good angulation and muscle tone . Good coat which was nicely presented. Moved and handled well.
2ND Davis TWOOFUS TAKE A BREAK Black Nice head with good chin, nicely put together. Well laid back shoulder, good depth of chest Good bend of stifle. Coat of good texture. Moved well around the ring.
Open D (2.1)
1ST Ratcliffe & Booth NAMKIA THOU ART BELOVED JW White masculine dog, pleasing headand expression, dark almond eye , good chin withnice pigment. Good leathers. Strong neck of good length, short back with good body. Good upper arm. Well angulated with good muscle tone in super condition. Harsh coat which was beautifully presented. Gave his handler a hard time today but once settled he moved keeping his top line. Lots to like. RBD
SBD (2.2)
Veteran B (2)
1st Aikman CH AFTERGLOW SWEET TEASE AT NAMKIA Pretty white enjoying her day, In fabulous condition for her age. Feminine head with a lovely expression, well made in her front good depth to chest. Well laid back shoulder. Good body condition. Profuse coat which was beautifully presented. Moved so soundly. She is a credit to her owners. BV IN SHOW
2nd Davis TWOOFUS WISH UPON A STAR lovely black nice head and expression, good front. Nice ear leathers. Good feet. Well bodied with good spring of rib. Short back .Well angulated and in good muscle condition . Moved well around the ring. Another that is a credit to her owner. Just unfortunate to be up against my winner today.
MPB (2.1)
1ST Pine –Haynes VICMARS TAKING A LIBERTYSuper head with a dark almond eye. Well set ears. Long neck, good front, nicely ribbed with good angulation. Good tail set, Beautiful feet. Moved with drive from behind. Held her top line on the move, and had that look at me attitude. Beautifully presented and handled. Loved her could have taken her home. I am sure she will have a very bright future. BPB, BP IN BREED, BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.
PB (3.2)
1ST Mullan KEKEMARA JANE EYRE very prettyblack, super head and eye, lovely expression. Long neck. good front, well bodied with good spring of rib. Short in back with a good tail set. Well angulated .Just a little unsettled on the move today but when she settled moved with drive. Good coat and wellpresented, lots to like about her.
SPB (1.1)
JB (2)
1ST Parker & Winwood MONTEGO HEAR SAYfeminine pretty white lovely head and almond eye. Good pigment. long neck good feet. Short in back super body condition. Well set tail. Well angulated.Lovely outline on the stack. Moved soundly. Super coat which was beautifully presented. Reserve BB
2ND Heslop TIANOLA MRS TIGGY-WINKLE good head and eye, good neck and front. Enough depth and good spring of rib. Well angulated moved with drive. Coat just needs a bit more to finish her overall picture but this will come. I was very impressed with this young handler such a lovely rapport with her dog.
PGB (2)
1ST Davis TWOOFUS MAKE A WISH pretty black clean head with chin and dark eye. Well laid back shoulder, good depth of chest. Feet well knuckled.Well bodied with good muscle tone , good tail set. Short in back. Good harsh coat , Moved covering the ground with ease .Handled an presented well.
2ND Gleave CHRISTAMAE FIELD OF DREAMS AT RYNECO Sh CM pretty black nice head good chin and dark eye. Good reach of neck. good feet.Well angulated with good muscle tone. Harsh coat which was beautifully presented . When settled moved with drive but gave her handler a hard time .
1ST Gilbert CARLONIA POLLYANNA Apricot nice head, dark eye. good neck and front. Well bodied Good colour. Just a little unsettled on the move today .
OPEN B (3.1)
1ST Garbutt KERTELLAS LIVE YOUR DREAM AT TIANOLA JW. Beautiful black bitch, smaller type. Loved her beautiful head and expression good chin,lovely dark eye. Long neck . Well laid back shoulder, good feet. Short back and well angulated. Moved soundly keeping her top line at all times. Good tail set Fabulous jacket which was beautifully presented. Loved her. Was pleased to award her BB RES BIS will have a very bright future I am sure.
2ND Hardy HIGHLA EVA SO LOVELEY well made black taller than my winner Nice head good expression. Dark almond eye. Long neck good depth of chest. Well bodied with good spring of rib. Dense coat which was presented well. Moved soundly and free. Handled well .
SBB (2)
Judge Allison Taite-Shoosmith
The Standard Poodle Club future shows will be held at the Kennel Club Building in Stoneleigh, Warickshire CV8 2LZ on:
Saturday 11th July 2020 CHAMP SHOW is now postponed to Sat 3rd Oct 2020 original schedule is here all details remain the same except the date.
Show opens at 8am Judging 10.00am
Saturday 3rd Oct 2020 OPEN SHOW is now cancelled.