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Invitation, 60th Anniversary.
Crufts Friday 7th March
Come see us next to the Standard Poodle ring.
SPC has two stands and you can be guaranteed a warm welcome. Meet Mary (our secretary), See Sandy (our Chair), chat health with Carole (BHC) and discuss with David (our Treasurer) all things Standard Poodle. Become a member £10 pa, renew membership, buy sales goods, talk rescue or just say hello!
18th Jan 2025
SPC Champ Show Sunday 6th July
RKC Building Stoneleigh
Complimentary tea, coffee and cake throughout the day to celebrate Standard Poodle Club’s 60th anniversary !
Full details and schedule HERE
Thanks to our Judges Sarah O'Higgins + Clare Parker and to Karen Winwood for donating a hand made quilt to raffle on the day and specials for Best in Show, Best Puppy, Best Veteran and Best special beginner.
Also thanks to Mrs Vivienne Kellard and Miss Ann Coppage for sponsoring all the rosettes.
'As a founder member and lifelong supporters of SPC and the work they do for our wonderful breed we are delighted to sponsor the championship show rosettes'
SPC would like to thank Keith Mullan our Official Photographer for the day. Keith has kindly offered all profit from photos to go to the rescue. If you would like to book a private photo session with Keith at the show please contact him direct on Keith.mullan@gmail.com In ring photo packs will be available to purchase on the day.
Also thanks to Lynne Land for donating a basket of Doglyness grooming products for the raffle.
18th Jan 2025
SPC Open Show Sunday 6th July
Complimentary tea, coffee and cake throughout the day to celebrate Standard Poodle Club’s 60th anniversary !
Full details and schedule HERE
Our thanks to the sponsor of all the rosettes for this anniversary show Vice President Mr Peter Little OBE “As former Chairman, Treasurer, exhibitor and lifelong lover of our wonderful breed. I’d like to congratulate SPC on their 60th Anniversary and am delighted to sponsor the open show rosettes”
SPC would like to thank Keith Mullan our Official Photographer for the day. Keith has kindly offered all profit from photos to go to the rescue. If you would like to book a private photo session with Keith at the show please contact him direct on Keith.mullan@gmail.com In ring photo packs will be available to purchase on the day.
Also thanks to Lynne Land for donating a basket of Doglyness grooming products for the raffle.
7th July 2024
SPC Champ Show results
Link here to see who took top honours at this years show, who owned them, who bred them and the sire and dam responsible!
17th March 2024
AGM held at Royal Kennel Club building
Current Officers re-elected minutes here
4th Sept 2023
Rescue Update
A big thank you to everyone (92 separate donations and far too many to list here) for their generosity.
Link HERE for full rescue update with pics.
After 6 weeks of intense nursing, veterinary tests and treatments including careful dieting, neutering, removing thick wadded mats of filthy coat, flea treatment and skin care, along with worming we are happy to report that one male and three females where thought to be sufficiently well enough to be Adopted or at least Fostered.
To give full details of all the time, treatments and Vet visits would fill a book. A detailed report will be in our October Newsletter sent in the post to members or available via email to members.
2nd Aug 2023
Rescue news
Our rescue service has been very active this week successfully working with PNUK rescuing 15 standard poodles from atrocious conditions.
See SPC statement HERE warning, contains upsetting graphic images.
Dogs in SPC care will be assessed and vet checked prior to spending time with a behaviourist. It is unlikely they will be available for re-home for some time.
The rescue service is a vital part of what your club does. It has been in operation for over 35 years and is the oldest established rescue service for poodles and has rehomed 1188 dogs.
Often a rescue needs to be coordinated quickly through the regional representative. During 2023 reasons for rescue have been; Dogs saved from a puppy farm, owner dying, owner moving abroad, short term hospitalisation, conflict with other pets and owners not being able to cope due to mobility issue.
Please support our rescue by renewing or becoming a member HERE
Your membership helps us fund our rescue service along with donations from generous benefactors Shirley Walne, Maggie Butcher and most recently Mrs Joan Webb.
If you would like to contribute or leave a legacy contact our treasurer David Dennison by email HERE.
If you would like to find out more see the frequently asked questions at the end of the statement contact one of our committee.
25th July 2023
SPC £10,000 Addison's disease research donation
Just wanted to say THANK YOU so very much for this extremely generous donation. As we talked about on our last Zoom meeting, there are always things that show up with research that are hard to fund directly, so having this extra bit will no doubt help as we cross some of those bridges. Your generosity, as well as that of the entire club, is greatly appreciated. I promise to put it to good use on our Addison’s disease work.
Also, continued many thanks for your help with collecting cheek swab samples. We are really eager to get this data back and as soon as we have some results to report I’ll be in touch. Fingers crossed.
Thank you so very much again.
Steven G. Friedenberg, DVM, PhD, DACVECC
Associate Professor
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences | College of Veterinary Medicine | University of Minnesota
Successful AGM Sunday 26th March
17 Members attended the SPC Annual General Meeting on Sunday 26th March at the Kennel Club Building agenda here.
We celebrated the major contribution Peter Little OBE has made to the Club as he retired as Chairman. Sandy Vincent who has served previously as Secretary and Chair was elected unopposed.
Some health amendments were approved which now add recommending the full panel of DNA test.
The Breed Health Coordinator presented the results of the work the Club had done in 2022 raising the awareness of Bloat, Sebaceous Adenitis and Addison's disease
The Treasurer presented a healthy set of accounts significantly increased by legacies from Mrs Joan Wells and Mrs Margaret Butcher.
A rescue, health and welfare group will establish the best way to utilise these generous donations.
Proposal to donate one of the skeaping bronzes to the Kennel Club was approved and it will be on display at the Kennel Club, Clarges Street, London. The remaining Skeaping Bronze donated by Vice President Mrs Vivienne Kellard will be retained by SPC and proudly displayed at every show.
Crufts 2023 Sun 12th March
Congratulations to Philip Langdon with Jake on winning the group and 150 years anniversary BIS winner.
Also Morgan Shoosmith winning Junior Handler of the Year and being placed in agility dog with her Standard Poodle.
KC improve registration process
The Kennel Club have announced changes and updated regulations to prevent the import of dogs with non breed accepted colours to be transferred and registered in the UK.
In their 'B regulation updates Jan 18th 2023' B13a 4 states;
'In all cases The Kennel Club requires that the import registration must confirm the true colour of the dog’s coat using The Kennel Club’s list of registration colour options for the specific breed (rather than the colour recorded with the overseas registry). DNA colour testing may be required to verify the application'.
This will now bring to an end breeders creating odd and untypical colour descriptions like Merle. Merle does not occur naturally in poodles and is a result of cross breeding. The pattern can only appear by introducing a different breed that carries merle. Merle in poodles can cause severe health issues such as blindness and deafness. Link to more information on buying a puppy here.
Working dog rep. appointed
Joining the SPC in a newly created role to champion Standard Poodles as working dogs is Aleks Wasowska.
Alek's piece which made the Front Cover of Country Life last Year (2022) and in the Jan 2023 Gundog Journal bestows the virtues of adhering to our breed standard ensuring we maintain the ability to turn their talents to a variety of disciplines, working, showing, agility and obedience included. After all, their origins are a water retriever.
Breed Health Coordinator appointed
SPC welcome Carole Grundy 07869 515250 in a capacity of
Breed Health Coordinator.
Instrumental in updating Molly Windebank's SPC Health Register for
Addison's Disease and Sebaceous Adenitis Carole brings a wealth of specialist breed knowledge. Meet Carole and the rest of the SPC team at our shows or at Crufts next to the Standard ring where we will have a breed health/welfare stand.
SPC Champ and Open Show results
SPC Champ show and Open show was held at the Kennel Club building in Stoneleigh on Sunday 10th July.
Results and pics are on this site under 'shows' or click here.
SPC AGM Sunday 20th March 2022
Message from Peter Little OBE Chairman Standard Poodle Club
Our Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday 20th March at the Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2LZ .
The meeting was well attended and unanimously agreed the Club donate £100 to the KC's Ukrainian appeal.
8th March 2022
Come and see us at Crufts
SPC invite you to come and visit our stand next to the Standard Poodle ring at Crufts on Sat 12th March. Health information, sales goods, membership etc.
Support your breed and become a member, Just £7 single and £8 joint includes the new 44p Newsletter, keyring and windscreen sticker.
28th Jan 2022
Open Registry updated
Message from Peter Little OBE Chairman Standard Poodle Club
I am pleased to welcome this important update of the Standard Poodle Club Health Registry. Although our breed is rightly famed for its good health, intelligence and temperament we have long recognised that there are two health issues requiring better identification and research. For many years Molly Windebank led work on this as Health Coordinator and Club Chairman. This new initiative builds on Molly's pioneering work and I pay tribute to Officers and Committee who have been working hard over the past year to update the Registry including online access through this website
AD here and SA here
I should also like to commend the support of owners, breeders and veterinary advisers in compiling this updated Registry of Standard Poodles affected by Sebaceous Adenitis or Addison's Disease. Our aim is to be open and transparent with the needs of our Standard Poodles at its heart. We welcome feedback on this and other issues from our members, friends and professionals.
27th Jan 2022
SPC Champ Show and Open Show
dates announce
Both shows Sunday 10th July Kennel Club Building Stoneleigh
Champ show schedule here
Open show (not before 12 Noon) schedule here
Judges Champ show Mrs A Rawlinson (Highla) Dogs
Mrs V Hill (Valerite) Bitches
Mr P Little OBE Referee
Judge Open show Mrs D Sims (Meadowfair)
24th Jan 2022
Judge Mrs Melva Nathan's critique is now here
RESULTS Champ Show 2021- Sunday 10th Oct
The Standard Poodle Club (SPC) organised the biggest gathering of Standard Poodles of the Year yesterday at the Kennel Club Building Stoneleigh. 111 dogs were entered (20 NFE), the most Standards on show since Crufts, now 20 Months ago.
It was a lovely sunny, warm, autumnal day with a great atmosphere.
Judging took place outside by breed specialist Mrs Melva Nathan (Supernova).
Champ Show in 2021- Sunday 10th Oct
I am delighted to announce the following confirmed arrangements following all the enforced cancellations and changes over the past year. The Standard Poodle Club Championship Show 2021 will be held at the Kennel Club Building Stoneleigh Park Warwickshire CV8 2LZ on Sunday 10 October (please note new date). Our judges are as previously announced. Mrs Melva Nathan (Supernova) will award Challenge Certificates for Dogs and Bitches and Mrs Vivienne Kellard (Alpenden) will judge the Molly Windebank Memorial Stakes. We are so glad that two of our most senior and distinguished Breed Judges will be officiating at this much anticipated Show.
Use this link for full show schedule.
Use this link for entry form.
Use this link for full details and to enter online here.
All the Officers and Committee of the Standard Poodle Club look forward to resuming activities and seeing members and friends again. Most of all we look forward to seeing and celebrating our beautiful Standard Poodles.
Midlands AGM in July 2021
On Sunday 11 July the Standard Poodle Club Annual General Meetings for 2020 and 2021 took place at the Kennel Club Building Stoneleigh. It was a well attended, SPC President Eileen Geeson opened the long awaited meeting and asked Peter Little OBE to Chair.
Secretary Sandy Vincent coordinated proceedings with previous minutes, agendas etc and Treasurer David Dennison presented 2019 and 2020 accounts.
As well as conducting essential business, Club Members had the opportunity to discuss matters relating to the Club and the Breed, including Health issues.
Members proposed amendments which were voted on and improvements to SPC Rules and Code of Ethics were carried forward.
Subject to Kennel Club approval the updated rules will be added to this site, available at our Open and Champ Shows and Crufts stand.
The improvements include the introduction of breeding guidelines using the KC COI index. Recommendation on health testing and members adding affected dogs to the open register.
Amendment to the rules ensuring we fulfil changing data protection Law and legal requirement for microchipping were also added.
Details of the Club's arrangements for 2022 will be announced soon.
All the Officers and Committee of the Standard Poodle Club look forward to resuming activities and seeing members and friends again. Most of all we look forward to seeing and celebrating our beautiful Standard Poodles.
Addison's disease update
Two new SPC Vet Members have put together an authoritative updated piece here
Crufts 5th March 2020 NEC
The Standard Poodle Club had a busy Breed Club stand at Crufts ringside.
Thank you for all members and friends who visited. Peter Little OBE our Chairman, David Dennison our Treasurer and Carole Grundy a loyal SPC member manned the stand. The rescue raffle raised over £200 and the winning ticket number drawn by Crufts Judge Miss M Aikman was number 882. The lucky winners were Jade and Jon and the large black pot Standard Poodle which they won now has pride of place in their grooming salon K9-Style Ltd.
Picture is below and thank you all for taking part. The money raised went directly to SPC Rescue and will keep an Addison's rescue on meds for 3 Months.
A message from our Vice President
I would very much like to thank the committee of the standard poodle club for the honour of electing me as a Vice President alongside Vivian Kellard. It was such a surprise and rather emotional too as I felt we were walking in the footpath of two rather special poodle people namely Shirley Walne and Vivian Hincks. I like to think they would have smiled at that!
Recently I was going through my poodle memorabilia and discovered some advertisements (see archive) from a supplement to Our Dogs dated December 14, 1934!
These were poodle breeders in the year that Vulcan Kennel was founded - no advertisement for that one! But ones for two of the top poodle breeders namely Nunsoe (Jane Lane) and Piperscroft (Grace Boyd) the likes of which greatly influenced the Honourable Mrs Nellie Ionides.
What I find extremely interesting is all the advertisement emphasise that the puppies bred are virtually dualpurpose - obedience, retrieving, grouse driving, gundog training, tracking, all are mentioned. Showing is also mentioned but with the exception of Nunsoe and Piperscroft the others appear to deem that of secondary importance!
The photos of the poodles working show them in the lion trim of the day - proof how it is the original clip and adapted over the years to what is now the ‘traditional’ show trim.
I think it is important that the history of the poodle should be kept alive and the original purpose of the breed maintained in the memory.
Ann C. Coppage.
Vulcan Kennels, 9th August 2019